
Amazon FBA Inspection Services

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April 28, 2022
Amazon FBA Inspection Services

Amazon is believed to be one of the best places for online sales. In case you have a product, you wish to sell, it has numerous categories that can help you find the right place for it. One of the keys to successful Amazon sales is good reviews. But how to get them? Recently, the company tightened its rules for reviewing. Now vendors are not allowed to contact their buyers directly and ask them to leave a good rating. The only way to get positive feedback and satisfy your customers is to sell a high-quality product. So, let’s talk more about how to get these products, as it is the most important task if you want to become successful on this platform.


When you’re an Amazon FBA seller, it’s important to get high-quality products from your suppliers. Sell low-quality items and Amazon might suspend your seller account or even shut it down. In addition, bad reviews and complaints from your buyers are not helping to promote your sales either. In the end, low-quality products will lead you to lose your investments. So, how can you make sure that the products being shipped from overseas are up to standard and met Amazon’s FBA requirements? The answer is simple: Quality Inspections!

Quality Control for Amazon sellers plays an important role in the supply chain. This step will ensure that your goods are pre-inspected before shipment. Don’t forget that in most cases, once you paid for your goods and received them, there is no way you can get your money back or rework the goods. Amazon has strict standards for what they accept, so before you ship your products to their warehouses, make sure that they meet those guidelines. That way, you won’t waste money on sending low-quality items that won’t be accepted.


What are the benefits of quality inspections?


Ensure quantity is as per order. That is the most basic check, but one of the most important ones. You need to make sure the quantity of your goods is the same as you agreed with the factory.

Quality matches the specifications required by the FBA seller. Here is where it gets complicated. This is a crucial point for any FBA business - customers expect the products to match the description written on Amazon. Before the inspection, the seller with the help of the quality control company should make a quality inspection checklist, which includes all specifications of your product.

Reveal defective goods. An inspection of products whose sales channel is Amazon should follow very stringent quality control processes. Remember, after receiving your order, you cannot return any defective items. The inspector checks a specified number of products, based on a standard called AQL (Acceptable Quality Limits) and judges if the batch passes the quality check or not.

Packaging checks. For this part of the quality control, the inspector will make sure your products have been packed according to your requirements, and that all required labels such as barcodes, warning signs, and country of origin stickers have been included. That will save you from being charged extra by Amazon for re-packing.


So, to sum up everything we discussed in this article: if you are an Amazon seller and care about your product, conduct a quality inspection and prevent quality issues in the future. It's a simple, yet effective procedure that will save you from dealing with non-performing orders, negative reviews, and bad publicity. We would like to recommend using our quality inspection services because it is a simple and time-saving way of dealing with quality problems. To book a free consultation or get a free sample report contact us at

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