
A manufacturing map of China

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April 18, 2022
A manufacturing map of China

In today’s global economy, no country represents a bigger opportunity than China. It has the biggest manufacturing output among all the other counties. China has a vast territory with an endless amount of product development opportunities. Each region has its own manufacturing hubs that specialize in a certain type of manufacturing. If you are looking for a factory in China, it’s a good idea to become familiar with its regional manufacturing landscape.

What’s immediately noticeable is how the Chinese manufacturing industry has grown up along the coastal provinces, which have a diversified industrial infrastructure. Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangdong act as manufacturing centers along this coastal belt. It is important to mention The Yangtze River Economic Zone, which spans the east, central, and west regions of China. It is an economic region with the largest economic volume, the richest ecological resources, and huge development potential in China. Let’s focus more on each province and its main industries.

Hubei. Its major engineering centers are found in the city of Wuhan. This province’s industrial strengths include steel, electronics, and vehicle manufacturing. As for equipment manufacturing, Hubei is famous for laser processing, optical telecommunication technology, satellite position system, and digitalization.

Sichuan. It is the largest commercial and industrial center in the middle of China. Sichuan manufacturing industry includes transformers, machine tools, environmental equipment, heavy transportation equipment, and instrumentation. The province is also known as a major manufacturer of aluminum products in China. It is also a major producer of strontium carbonate, which is widely used in the production of color television tubes and optical glass.

Zhejiang is one of the more prosperous of China’s provinces. Most of Zhejiang’s wealth drives from light industry. It also produces a wide range of industrial and consumer goods, including machinery, textiles, agricultural implements, chemicals, household appliances and SDA. The province is a significant exporter with a number of specialized export centers for light industrial products and handicrafts.

Fujian is well known for sports equipment, fashion, apparel and sports clothing, as well as one of the biggest shoe producers in China, other major manufacturing sectors include nonferrous metals, petrochemicals, automobile, equipment manufacturing, light industry and electronics.

Guangdong. This province’s industries range from light manufacturing and low-skilled labor-intensive sectors right through to hi-tech areas like robotics. The main industries are textiles, garments, food processing, electrical appliances, shoes, but it is most famous for the electronic industry.

Hebei. It is an integral part of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Economic Zone. The province’s industrial strengths include iron and steel, it is also a transshipment center for coal. There are many high-growing sub-sectors: general equipment manufacturing industry, transportation equipment manufacturing industry, and electrical equipment manufacturing industry.

Liaoning. Liaoning is one of the country’s principal industrial provinces. The province is rich in mineral resources, notably iron ore and coal. This has given it advantages in heavy industries, electronics, machine tools, and petrochemicals. Manufacturing emphasis is placed on automation equipment, electrical power equipment, energy and environment protection equipment, and metal processing.

Tianjin. Is the only city on this list. The city of Tianjin considers itself the birthplace of Chinese industrial revolution. Its major manufacturing industries include automobiles, electronics, oil, and metallurgy. Other industries worth mentioning are aviation and aerospace, wind power, port machineries, and agricultural machineries.

Shangdong. This province has a large textile industry, locomotive works, and chemical, tire, and machine-tool factories. Other enterprises produce a wide range of household electrical appliances as well as some petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals. Jinan—long famous for its silks, precious stones, and handicrafts—also manufactures trucks and automobiles, motorcycles, and agricultural machinery.

Jiangsu. Jiangsu’s economy has benefited from its close location to Shanghai. Jiangsu is one of China’s major industrial centers, and it ranks near the top annually in industrial output among the provinces. The pillar industries are those manufacturing machinery, electronics, petrochemicals, textiles, and semiconductors. There’s also been a few industrial clusters that focus on construction machinery, pressure vessels, and electric transmission equipment.

If you are searching for more information about manufacturing in China read our previous articles *link Trade fairs* *link Where to search for the right supplier*.

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