
A corrective action plan for failed inspections

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May 12, 2022
A corrective action plan for failed inspections

Quality issues, when serious enough, can lead to a failed inspection which could eventually mean the end of your business relationship with that supplier. A corrective action plan or CAP is part of the Quality Assurance (QA) that you must implement after your goods didn’t pass quality inspection. This plan is a written procedure that is executed immediately after the failure of a quality inspection. It is basically a 'to-do list' to resolve the issue(s) within the shortest time possible. You can create a corrective action plan yourself, but it’s better to ask your supplier to do it. This way they’ll take ownership of the problem and come up with solutions that work best for them. This article focuses on how CAP applies to product quality control and how it can be used by importers who are looking for ways to improve their processes and prevent the recurrence of the same problems. We previously wrote an article about 8D method of problem solving which relates to CAP.

Where to start?

First, you need to understand the nature of the quality issues. Is it a real problem or is it just a measurement/testing/evaluating error? Double-check that point before you project any negative feelings towards your supplier. If the defects are real and important, this is a serious matter and there is no time to lose.

Make sure you have a clear picture of what happened: what parts and how many of them are defective, the number of goods that are affected, how many times did it happen, and where defective parts were made.

Identify the cause of the quality issue and make sure you understand all its implications. When did it happen? For how long has it been going on? Has this happened before? How much does it cost you financially? How much does it cost you in terms of image and credibility with your customer base?

How to create a corrective action plan?

The goal of this document is to ensure that everyone involved understands how to prevent issues from happening again in future shipments. An effective corrective action plan should:

- Address the problem at the root, in order to prevent a recurrence. This is usually done by reviewing the current process, making changes, and then testing the new process.

- Be fast and efficient. The intent is to get your failed batch back in production as soon as possible. To do this you must keep everyone informed, including top management, of the status of your corrective action plan.

- Be documented and communicated throughout the company so that no one forgets how to prevent another occurrence of the same issue. This can be done through training sessions or email reminders.

Why is a corrective action plan important?

Product issues can be very costly for importers — in money and reputation — so it’s important to ensure that suppliers don’t make them again in your future orders. A CAP helps you do this by getting your supplier to recognize and resolve the root cause(s) of the issue. It is also a great way to get your suppliers on board with your company goals by encouraging them to think of quality from the start, not just at the end. The end goal is to work together as closely as possible and make the best product for your company. If you take the time to plan out what went wrong and why, you can use that knowledge for future shipments. It’s not only a good idea for your business but helps create a lasting relationship with your supplier too.

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